Motion: THBT non-western countries who were once colonized, when fabricating the material culture of national identity (anthems, street names, holidays, flag, etc.) should privilege pre colonial history and notions of indigeneity over themes of anti colonial resistance.
Scroll down for Semi No.2
ROOM 1: OG – Hart House A | OO – Sydney Union A | CG – Harvard A | CO – London Union B |
ROOM 2: OG – Tel Aviv A | OO – PEP A| CG – Auckland A | CO – Sydney Union B |
Motion: THBT the IMF and World Bank should pay reparations to countries adversely affected by structural adjustment policies
ROOM 1: OG – Peking A | OO – NTU Athens A | CG – Brawijawa A | CO – Jagellonian A |
ROOM 2: OG – Tokyo IT A | OO – FSU Jena A | CG – UKIM Skopje A | CO – Macau A |
Motion: TH regrets mainstream, commercial films that depict historical subjugation and/or crimes against humanity.
ROOM 1: OG – | OO – | CG – | CO – |
ROOM 2: OG – | OO – | CG – | CO – |
ROOM 3: OG – | OO – | CG – | CO – Bates C |
MOTION: Motion: THBT the creation of feminist icons and their cults or personality are good for the feminist movement
ROOM 1: OG – Yale B | OO – Hart House A | CG – UT Mara A | CO – Harvard A |
ROOM 2: OG – Munich A | OO – IDC Herzliya Recanati B | CG – Lund A | CO – Hong Kong UST A |
ROOM 3: OG – Karachi A | OO – Berlin B | CG – IBA Dhaka B | CO – Bates C |
MOTION: TH supports stronger collective bargaining rights and protections rather than legislated labor market regulations (e.g., wage levels and working conditions)
ROOM 1: OG – Vienna A | OO – Nanyang TU B | CG – Keio A | CO – Kutafin MSLU A |
ROOM 2: OG – London Union A | OO – Pennsylvania A | CG – Glasgow A | CO – Yale B |
ROOM 3: OG – Yonsei Underwood A | OO – Duke B | CG – Babeș-Bolyai A|
CO – Bates A |
MOTION: THB that states should adopt sunset clauses that legally force them to review and either re-authorize or revise their constitutions every generation
INFO: A sunset clause provides that a law will expire after a specific date unless further action is taken to extend it.
ROOM 1: OG – Bucharest A | OO – George Washington A| CG – Hong Kong UST B | CO – Warwick A|
ROOM 2: OG – Ben-Gurion B | OO – New South Wales B | CG – Nanyang TU B | CO – Boston A |
ROOM 3: OG – Otago B | OO – Cambridge C | CG – Cape Town B | CO – Hanyang A|
MOTION: THB the US should withdraw from East Asia and cede regional hegemony to China.
ROOM 1: OG – London Union B | OO – Yale B | CG – Hart House A | CO – Linkopings A |
ROOM 2: OG – Pennsylvania A | OO – British Columbia A| CG – Sydney Union A | CO – Tufts A |
ROOM 3: OG – Macquarie A | OO – Queensland B| CG – Nottingham A | CO – UT Mara A|
MOTION: R4: THB that governments with racially diverse populations should never record the ethnic or racial background of their residents.
ROOM 1: OG – Queensland UT A | OO – UCD Law A| CG – Queensland C | CO – Sciences Po A |
ROOM 2: OG – Sydney Union B | OO – Hart House A| CG – Sydney Union C | CO – London Union B |
ROOM 3: OG – New South Wales A | OO – Visoka skola PEP A| CG – Hart House B | CO – UCD L&H B|
MOTION: This House believes that all states should collectively aggregate and evenly distribute all profits from mineral wealth globally on a per capita basis
ROOM 1: OG – Harvard A| OO – Princeton A| CG – NIBM (India) A | CO – Hart House A |
ROOM 3: OG – Macquarie A | OO – UCD L&H B| CG – Ottawa B | CO – La Verne A|
MOTION: THW prohibit the private ownership of art deemed to be culturally or historically significant.
ROOM 1: OG – Wollongong A| OO – De La Salle A| CG – Victoria Wellington B | CO – Carleton A |
ROOM 2: OG – Kiel A | OO – Moscow IPT B| CG – Weill Cornell Qatar A | CO – ASE Bucharest A
ROOM 3: OG – RWTH Aachen A | OO – Queensland A| CG – Australian Natl A | CO – Tubingen A|
MOTION: This House would allow states to use mercenary forces in combat roles in military operations
ROOM 1: OG – Chicago A| OO -NIBM (India) A| CG – IIT Bombay B | CO – Queensland A|
ROOM 2: OG – Independent Bangladesh A| OO -Sciences Po A| CG – Yale B| CO – Bucharest A|
ROOM 3: OG – Cambridge A| OO -Binus Intl A| CG – UCD Law A| CO – Hong Kong UST B|