Дали се работи за парче облека, локација, амбиент или целосна поставеност на ликови во просторот, филмаџиите често се инспирирани и земаат примери од сликарите и нивните дела.
Можат да се пронајдат такви компарации во сегменти од филмови на режисерите Лук Бесон, Роберт Земекис, Мартин Скорсезе, Стенли Кјубрик, Гиљермо Дел Торо, Ларс Вон Трир, Жан-Лук Годар, Луис Буњуел…
Во продолжение, погледнете споредби на уметнички дела и филмови:
The fifth element, Luc Besson (1997) The broken column, Frida Kahlo (1944)
Shirley: visions of a reality, Gustav Deutsch (2013) New York movie, Edward Hopper (1939)
Sexy Beast, Jonathan Glazer (2001) Sobre la ciudad, Marc Chagall (1918)
The crazy red hair, Vincente Minnelli (1956) Night Coffee, Vincent Van Gogh (1888)
A star is born, George Cukor (1955) Pause during dance lesson, Edgar Degas (1883)
Forrest Gump, Robert Zemeckis (1994) The world of Cristina, Andrew Wyeth (1948)
Shutter Island, Martin Scorsese (2010) El beso, Gustav Klimt (1908)
The Mechanical Orange, Stanley Kubrick (1971) Round of prisoners, Vincent Van Gogh (1890)
Saturn devouring his son, from Francisco de goya The Labyrinth of the faun “, by Guillermo Del Toro
The Tower of Babel, by Pieter Bruegel Metropolis, from fritz lang
Stairs Up, stairs down, Escher (1960) Inception, by Christopher Nolan (2010)
The Blue boy, by Thomas Gainsborough (1770) Django Unchained, from Quentin Tarantino (2012)
Ofelia, de John Everett Millais (1851) Melancholia, de Lars von Trier (2011)
The death of marat, by Jacques-Louis David (1793) The Club of the fight, by David Fincher (1999) The Godfather II, of Francis Ford Coppola (1974)
Viridiana, by Luis Buñuel (1961) The last dinner of Leonardo Da Vinci (1495-1498)
The little bather – interior of harem, of ingres (1828) Passion, by Jean-Luc Godard (1982)
Avatar, by James Cameron (2009) Floating Islands, by Roger Dean (1993)
Inside the labyrinth of Jim Henson (1986) Relativity, by MC Escher (1953)
The adventures of Baron Munchausen, from Terry Gilliam (1988) The birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli (1484)
Shirley, visions of reality, by Gustav Deutsch (2013) Sunday morning, by Edward Hopper (1952).
Heat, by Michael Mann (1995) Pacific, by Alex Colville (1967)
The Duelists, by Ridley Scott (1977) Napoleon Bonaparte, from Benjamin Robert Haydon (1830)
An American in Paris, by Vicente Minelli (1951) Chocolat Dancing, from Toulouse-Lautrec (1896)